Saturday, September 5, 2009

The "Great Waiting Begins"

We often get asked how the adoption is going (I'm sure it seems like we've been in this process forever- and it seems like we have!). Right now we are in what I call the "Great Waiting Stage." Actually the whole process is a series of waiting periods. You work frantically at getting the required paperwork together, send it off (with a prayer!) and then wait! Then a few weeks (or months) later, you have more paperwork to gather, send it off and then wait some more! The process keeps recycling until you are done!

We've finished our "Life's Work" (aka the Dossier Papers) and now... you guessed it... we WAIT! The good news is the bulk of the paper work is done. The Waiting-news is that we're still a good 6 months out. For now the waiting time is fine for me since this summer has been so crazy (we moved, went to Kenya and I started home schooling the girls). Plus I know that God has the perfect time for our family to grow. Who knows? Our baby may not even be born yet! We rest in God's promise that He has perfect timing. And in the meantime...we wait.


Anonymous said...

Hi Trina,
So fun to see how far you have come.
The Lord has the entire picture for you.
This 6 months will be kind of like labor pains. You will soon forget how long it took and the time will fly by after you have your child.
I look forward to waiting with you.
Patty Bird

Anonymous said...

Hi Trina,
So fun to see how far you have come.
The Lord has the entire picture for you.
This 6 months will be kind of like labor pains. You will soon forget how long it took and the time will fly by after you have your child.
I look forward to waiting with you.
Patty Bird