Friday, January 30, 2009

Home Study

Things are going relatively smoothly so far. We are just about finished with our home study (one meeting left) through Vista Del Mar, the local agency that America World uses.

We're praying for patience and flexibility, and that we'd make wise decisions and communicate effectively.

The Hague training was excellent and we feel like we're well prepared (at least as prepared as one can be!) for when the time comes to bring our child home.

We are very excited, but also finding that we really have to persevere. Since we've started this process we've experienced two very real changes... one - God has confirmed his calling, and has strengthened our resolve to adopt a child... and two - We've been attacked spiritually in almost every imaginable way. It's a very strange juxtaposition of emotions to feel the peace and guidance of God and yet have so much worldly comfort and security stripped away in the process.

The enemy is taking us through the ringer emotionally as well. He is constantly reminding us of every way in which we are inadequate... constantly reminding us of every difficult and painful memory... constantly trying to frustrate and depress us.

Our families have been a huge blessing and encouragement. They have provided continuing support both emotionally and financially. It has been amazing to see God work in them as we continue on this journey.

We're praying that God will continue to open doors in his timing, that we'd be faithful to continue to follow where he leads, and that he will continue to be faithful to provide both financially and emotionally for us to meet this need.

1 comment:

In de Stroms said...

wow. you are adequate for this task, because Christ is more than adequate in you to love and care for these children. I must say your trust in his provision is remarkable.